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Some Statistical Methods Connected with Series of Events

. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 17 (2): 129--164 (1955)

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The Theory of Stochastic Processes, und . Chapman and Hall, London, (1965)Survival Data.. International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Springer, (2011)Role of Models in Statistical Analysis. Statistical Science, (1990)Tests of separate families of hypotheses. Proc. 4th Berkeley Sympos. Math. Statist. and Prob., Vol. I, Univ. California Press, Berkeley, Calif., (1961)On the generation of the chordless four-cycle, und . Biometrika, 87 (1): 206--212 (2000)On the Estimation of the Intensity Function of a Stationary Point Process. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 27 (2): 332--337 (1965)The theory of stochastic processes, und . Chapman & Hall, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE, (1978)Multivariate dependencies, und . Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability Chapman & Hall, London, (1996)Derived variables calculated from similar joint responses: some characteristics and examples, und . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 19 (2): 223--234 (Februar 1995)The analysis of binary data. Monographs on applied probability and statistics Chapman and Hall, London, Repr Edition, (1977)