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Asset and Production Tracking through Value Chains for Industry 4.0 using the Arrowhead Framework., , and . ICPS, page 655-660. IEEE, (2019)Interacting with the arrowhead local cloud: On-boarding procedure., , , , , and . ICPS, page 743-748. IEEE, (2018)Advanced Security Considerations in the Arrowhead Framework., , and . SAFECOMP Workshops, volume 9923 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 234-245. Springer, (2016)QoS Guarantees for Industrial IoT Applications over LTE - a Feasibility Study., , , and . ICPS, page 667-672. IEEE, (2019)Security threats and issues in automation IoT., , , and . WFCS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2017)The MANTIS Architecture for Proactive Maintenance., , and . CoDIT, page 719-724. IEEE, (2018)Proactive Maintenance of Railway Switches., , , , , , , , , and . CoDIT, page 725-730. IEEE, (2018)Enabling Scalable Smart Vertical Farming with IoT and Machine Learning Technologies., , , , and . NOMS, page 1-4. IEEE, (2023)Treating measurement uncertainty in complete conformity control system., , , and . SCSS (1), page 79-84. Springer, (2008)Large-Scale Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything Deployments Based on 5G - Critical Challenges, Solutions, and Vision towards 6G: A Survey., , , , , , and . Sensors, 23 (16): 7031 (August 2023)