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An Efficient Algorithm for Fast Computation of Pseudo-Zernike Moments., , и . Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell., 17 (6): 1011-1023 (2003)Scale Invariants of Three-Dimensional Legendre Moments., , и . ICPR (3), стр. 141-144. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Translation and scale invariants of Legendre moments, , и . Pattern Recognition (PR), 37 (1): 119-129 (2004)Translation invariants of Zernike moments., , и . Pattern Recognit., 36 (8): 1765-1773 (2003)The scale invariants of pseudo-Zernike moments., , и . Pattern Anal. Appl., 6 (3): 176-184 (2003)An Efficient Algorithm for Fast computation of Zernike Moments., , и . JCIS, стр. 785-788. JCIS / Association for Intelligent Machinery, Inc., (2002)A comparative analysis of algorithms for fast computation of Zernike moments, , и . Pattern Recognition (PR), 36 (3): 731-742 (2003)Translation and Scale Invariants of Hahn Moments., , , , и . Int. J. Image Graph., 9 (2): 271-285 (2009)