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Changepoint problems and contiguous alternatives

. Statistics & Probability Letters, 11 (4): 299--308 (April 1991)

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Lp-approximations of weighted partial sum processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 45 (2): 295--308 (April 1993)Weak convergence of weighted empirical type processes under contiguous and changepoint alternatives. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 50 (2): 281--313 (April 1994)Convergence of weighted partial sums when the limiting distribution is not necessarily Radon, , and . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 81 (1): 81--101 (May 1, 1999)The Chibisov--O'Reilly theorem for empirical processes under contiguous measures. Statistics & Probability Letters, 19 (2): 153--159 (Jan 27, 1994)20 Weighted sequential empirical type processes with applications to change-point problems.. Order statistics, volume 16 of Handbook of statistics, North-Holland, (1998)Changepoint problems and contiguous alternatives. Statistics & Probability Letters, 11 (4): 299--308 (April 1991)