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What Makes Live Events Engaging on Facebook Live, Periscope, and Snapchat., и . CHI, стр. 48-60. ACM, (2017)HomeProxy: a physical proxy for video messaging in the home., , , , , и . CSCW Companion, стр. 293-296. ACM, (2013)Business activity patterns: A new model for collaborative business applications., , , , и . IBM Syst. J., 45 (4): 683-694 (2006)Improving the Accessibility of Screen-Shared Presentations by Enabling Concurrent Exploration., , , и . ASSETS, стр. 44:1-44:16. ACM, (2023)Technology Transfer: So Much Research, So Few Good Products., , , , , , и . CHI Conference Companion, стр. 155-156. ACM, (1996)Tools for supporting cooperative work near and far: highlights from the CSCW conference., , , и . CHI, стр. 353-356. ACM, (1989)Mobile taskflow in context: a screenshot study of smartphone usage., , , , , и . CHI, стр. 2009-2018. ACM, (2010)Reflecting on the DARPA Red Balloon Challenge., , , , , и . Commun. ACM, 54 (4): 78-85 (2011)SocialStreamViewer: Guiding the Viewer Experience of Multiple Streams of an Event., , , , и . GROUP, стр. 287-291. ACM, (2016)Generative AI Going Awry: Enabling Designers to Proactively Avoid It in CSCW Applications., , , , и . CSCW Companion, стр. 125-127. ACM, (2024)