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Visual path following using a sequence of target images and smooth robot velocities for humanoid navigation., , and . Humanoids, page 354-359. IEEE, (2014)Virtual Target Formulation for Singularity-Free Visual Control Using the Trifocal Tensor., , and . MCPR, volume 7914 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 30-39. Springer, (2013)Evaluation of Local Descriptors for Vision-Based Localization of Humanoid Robots., , and . MCPR, volume 9116 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 179-189. Springer, (2015)Anisotropic diffusion filtering through multi-objective optimization., , and . Math. Comput. Simul., (2021)Wheeled mobile robots navigation from a visual memory using wide field of view cameras., , , and . IROS, page 5693-5699. IEEE, (2010)Robust trajectory tracking controllers for pose-regulation of wheeled mobile robots., , and . IROS, page 1041-1047. IEEE, (2016)Predefined-Time Convergence Control for High-Order Integrator Systems Using Time Base Generators., , , and . IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol., 26 (5): 1866-1873 (2018)Observer-Based Leader-Follower Consensus Tracking with Fixed-time Convergence., , , , and . CCE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Predefined-Time Consensus of High-Order Multi-Agent Systems., , , and . CoRR, (2020)Image feedback based optimal control and the value of information in a differential game., , , , and . Autom., (2018)