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On output transformations for state linearization up to output injection.. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 44 (10): 1975-1981 (1999)A new separation result for a class of quadratic-like systems with application to Euler-Lagrange models., , and . Autom., 39 (6): 1085-1093 (2003)A new robust observer approach for unknown input and state estimation., , and . ECC, page 1607-1612. IEEE, (2018)A nonlinear observer with disturbance attenuation and its application to fault detection.. ECC, page 4403-4408. IEEE, (1999)Experimental comparison of LQG/LTR and robust control approaches in 2D piezoactuation., , and . ECC, page 1993-1998. IEEE, (2016)Robust H∞ control of a scanning tunneling microscope under parametric uncertainties., , and . ACC, page 6555-6560. IEEE, (2010)Observability necessary conditions for the existence of observers., , and . CDC, page 4442-4447. IEEE, (2013)About friction modeling for observer-based leak estimation in pipelines., , , , and . CDC/ECC, page 4413-4418. IEEE, (2011)A nonlinear controller design for embedded electrical networks., , , and . CDC/ECC, page 6788-6793. IEEE, (2005)Modelling and control of 3D STM-like scanning device with application to surface reconstruction., , and . MMAR, page 479-484. IEEE, (2013)