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HaTS: large-scale in-product measurement of user attitudes & experiences with <u>ha</u>ppiness <u>t</u>racking <u>s</u>urveys., и . OZCHI, стр. 308-315. ACM, (2014)Exciting, Useful, Worrying, Futuristic: Public Perception of Artificial Intelligence in 8 Countries., , , , , , , и . AIES, стр. 627-637. ACM, (2021)Online microsurveys for user experience research., , , , , , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 889-892. ACM, (2014)Designing unbiased surveys for HCI research., , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 1027-1028. ACM, (2014)Designing Surveys for HCI Research., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 2485-2486. ACM, (2015)"There will be less privacy, of course": How and why people in 10 countries expect AI will affect privacy in the future., , , , , , , и . SOUPS, стр. 579-603. USENIX Association, (2023)Minimizing change aversion for the google drive launch., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 2351-2354. ACM, (2013)Are privacy concerns a turn-off?: engagement and privacy in social networks., , , и . SOUPS, стр. 10. ACM, (2012)Online Survey Methodology for User Experience Research: A Framework for Utility and Quality., , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 1-4. ACM, (2020)