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Groupwise Shape Registration on Raw Edge Sequence via A Spatio-Temporal Generative Model.

, , , and . CVPR, IEEE Computer Society, (2007)

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Video Based Face Recognition By Support Vector Machines., , and . JCIS, page 700-703. JCIS / Association for Intelligent Machinery, Inc., (2002)Articulated-model based upper-limb pose estimation., and . CIRA, page 450-454. IEEE, (2001)Influence of data set splitting method on similarity indexing performance., , , and . Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases, volume 3972 of SPIE Proceedings, page 76-83. SPIE, (2000)Background modeling from a free-moving camera by Multi-Layer Homography Algorithm., , , , and . ICIP, page 1572-1575. IEEE, (2008)Refine Stereo Correspondence Using Bayesian Network and Dynamic Programming on a Color Based Minimal Span Tree., , and . ACIVS, volume 4179 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 610-619. Springer, (2006)Ambient kitchen: designing situated services using a high fidelity prototyping environment., , , and . PETRA, ACM, (2009)Viewpoint Insensitive Posture Representation for Action Recognition., , and . AMDO, volume 4069 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 143-152. Springer, (2006)Error Analysis of Pure Rotation-Based Self-Calibration., , , and . ICCV, page 464-471. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Multi-view face alignment guided by several facial feature points., , , and . ICIG, page 238-241. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Fast Generation of Dynamic and Multi-Resolution 360° Panorama from Video Sequences., , , and . ICMCS, Vol. 1, page 400-406. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)