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A Comparison of Induction Algorithms for Selective and non-Selective Bayesian Classifiers., и . ICML, стр. 497-505. Morgan Kaufmann, (1995)An Expert System Using Nonmonotonic Techniques for Beneefits Inquiry in the Insurance Industry., и . IJCAI (1), стр. 655-661. Morgan Kaufmann, (1997)Quantile regression for workforce analytics., , и . GlobalSIP, стр. 1134. IEEE, (2013)Identifying Employees for Re-skilling Using an Analytics-Based Approach., , , , , и . ICDM Workshops, стр. 345-354. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)AI Explainability 360: Impact and Design., , , , , , , , , и 10 other автор(ы). AAAI, стр. 12651-12657. AAAI Press, (2022)Anomaly Attribution with Likelihood Compensation., , , , и . AAAI, стр. 4131-4138. AAAI Press, (2021)Efficient Learning of Selective Bayesian Network Classifiers., и . ICML, стр. 453-461. Morgan Kaufmann, (1996)MCMC inference of the shape and variability of time-response signals., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 3956-3959. IEEE, (2011)Think Your Artificial Intelligence Software Is Fair? Think Again., , , , , , , , , и 7 other автор(ы). IEEE Softw., 36 (4): 76-80 (2019)A talent management tool using propensity to leave analytics., , , , , , и . DSAA, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2015)