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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Effect of acupuncture at Baihui (GV 20) and Zusanli (ST 36) on the level of serum inflammatory cytokines in patients with depression., , , , , , und . Zhongguo Zhen Jiu, 30 (3): 195--199 (März 2010)Optimal taxation in a growth model with public consumption and home production, , , und . Journal of Public Economics, 92 (3-4): 885--896 (April 2008)Combating Product Review Spam Campaigns via Multiple Heterogeneous Pairwise Features., und . SDM, Seite 172-180. SIAM, (2015)Structured total least squares based internal delay estimation for distributed microphone auto-localization., , und . IWAENC, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2016)A SAR/GMTI moving target detection algorithm based on alpha stable distribution., , , und . CISP-BMEI, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2017)Engineering an NADPH/NADP+Redox Biosensor in Yeast, , , , , und . ACS Synth. Biol., (2016)Large-scale Feature Selection of Risk Genetic Factors for Alzheimer's Disease via Distributed Group Lasso Regression., , , , , , , , und . CoRR, (2017)LPID based criterion for airborne radar hopping frequency design., , , und . ISIVC, Seite 364-368. IEEE, (2016)Reports of the AAAI 2014 Conference Workshops, , , , , , , , , und 24 andere Autor(en). AI Magazine, 36 (1): 87--98 (2015)Detecting Flu Transmission by Social Sensor in China., , und . GreenCom/iThings/CPScom, Seite 1242-1247. IEEE, (2013)