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Deciding Linear Inequalities by Computing Loop Residues.. J. ACM, 28 (4): 769-779 (1981)STP: A Mechanized Logic for Specification and Verification., , и . CADE, том 138 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 32-49. Springer, (1982)Gossips and telephones., и . Discret. Math., 2 (3): 191-193 (1972)A Practical Decision Procedure for Arithmetic with Function Symbols.. J. ACM, 26 (2): 351-360 (1979)Deciding Combinations of Theories.. CADE, том 138 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 209-222. Springer, (1982)The Design, Analysis, and Verification of the SIFT Fault-Tolerant System., , , и . ICSE, стр. 458-469. IEEE Computer Society, (1976)Trends in PC Database Technology.. IFIP Congress (3), том A-14 из IFIP Transactions, стр. 64-67. North-Holland, (1992)On the SUP-INF Method for Proving Presburger Formulas.. J. ACM, 24 (4): 529-543 (1977)Simplifying Interpreted Formulas., и . CADE, том 87 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 97-109. Springer, (1980)Refutation Graphs.. Artif. Intell., 7 (1): 51-64 (1976)Corrigendum: Artificial Intelligence 7(3): 283 (1976).