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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Human-centric information technology and applications towards web 3.0., und . New Rev. Hypermedia Multim., 22 (3): 167-168 (2016)A novel framework for social web forums' thread ranking based on semantics and post quality features., , , und . J. Supercomput., 72 (11): 4276-4295 (2016)Efficient Divide-and-Conquer Classification Based on Parallel Feature-Space Decomposition for Distributed Systems., , , , , , und . IEEE Syst. J., 12 (2): 1492-1498 (2018)Extracting and visualising human activity patterns of daily living in a smart home environment., , und . IET Commun., 5 (17): 2434-2442 (2011)Digital Watermarking Technique for Text Document Protection Using Data Mining Analysis., , , , , und . IEEE Access, (2019)Evaluating Skin Hereditary Traits Based on Daily Activities., , , , und . FCC, Volume 301 von Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Seite 261-270. Springer, (2014)Cooperative mobile video transmission for traffic surveillance in smart cities., , , , und . Comput. Electr. Eng., (2016)MUSEMBLE: A novel music retrieval system with automatic voice query transcription and reformulation., , , und . J. Syst. Softw., 81 (7): 1065-1080 (2008)SMERS: Music Emotion Recognition Using Support Vector Regression., , , und . ISMIR, Seite 651-656. International Society for Music Information Retrieval, (2009)SNS trend-based TV program recommendation scheme., , , und . ICME Workshops, Seite 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)