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High Isolation 8⨯8 MIMO Antenna Design for 5G Sub-6 GHz Smartphone Applications., , , , , и . UCET, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2020)Parallel-stage decoupled software pipelining., , , , и . CGO, стр. 114-123. ACM, (2008)Static Interprocedural Slicing of Shared Memory Parallel Programs., , и . PDPTA, стр. 658-664. CSREA Press, (2002)Selective Runtime Memory Disambiguation in a Dynamic Binary Translator., , , , , , , и . CC, том 3923 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 65-79. Springer, (2006)Practical and Accurate Low-Level Pointer Analysis., , , , , и . CGO, стр. 291-302. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Automatic instruction scheduler retargeting by reverse-engineering., , , и . PLDI, стр. 228-238. ACM, (2006)A framework for unrestricted whole-program optimization., , , , и . PLDI, стр. 61-71. ACM, (2006)From sequential programs to concurrent threads., , , , и . IEEE Comput. Archit. Lett., 5 (1): 6-9 (2006)RIFLE: An Architectural Framework for User-Centric Information-Flow Security., , , , , , , , и . MICRO, стр. 243-254. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Revisiting the Sequential Programming Model for Multi-Core., , , , и . MICRO, стр. 69-84. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)