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Random unitaries, Robustness, and Complexity of Entanglement., , , , , и . Quantum, (сентября 2023)Cultural Heritage on HPC - Creating High Resolution 3D Models Using Photogrammetry., , и . MIPRO, стр. 1121-1127. IEEE, (2024)Harnessing CUDA Dynamic Parallelism for the Solution of Sparse Linear Systems., , , и . PARCO, том 27 из Advances in Parallel Computing, стр. 217-226. IOS Press, (2015)Three-level parallel J-Jacobi algorithms for Hermitian matrices., , , , , и . Appl. Math. Comput., 218 (9): 5704-5725 (2012)Coastal water quality prediction based on machine learning with feature interpretation and spatio-temporal analysis., , , , , , , , , и 5 other автор(ы). Environ. Model. Softw., (2022)Benchmark DPC++ code and performance portability on heterogeneous architectures., и . MIPRO, стр. 331-337. IEEE, (2023)Applying OOC Techniques in the Reduction to Condensed Form for Very Large Symmetric Eigenproblems on GPUs., и . PDP, стр. 442-449. IEEE, (2012)An overview of dense eigenvalue solvers for distributed memory systems.. MIPRO, стр. 265-271. IEEE, (2021)Batched matrix operations on distributed GPUs with application in theoretical physics., и . MIPRO, стр. 293-299. IEEE, (2022)Drug screening with the Autodock Vina on a set of kinases without experimentally established structures., , , , , и . MIPRO, стр. 377-383. IEEE, (2020)