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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Physical properties of IZO thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. Effect of In concentration and precursor milling process., , , , und . CCE, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2023)Manufacture of Ag, Cr and Cu-doped ZnO pellets for gas sensor applications., , und . CCE, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2014)Effect of rf power on structural, optical and morphological properties of ultrathin undoped ZnO films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering., , , und . CCE, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2014)Effect of Thickness on the Photocatalytic Properties of ZnO Coatings based on Nanoparticles., , und . CCE, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Effect of Al2O3 on the morphological and gas sensing properties of SnO2 pellets., , , und . CCE, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2016)Different ZnO structures prepared by homogeneous precipitation method., , , und . CCE, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2015)Effect of milling speed on the precursor zinc acetylacetonate destined to obtain ZnO thin films., , und . CCE, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2016)Optoelectronic properties of ZnO: In thin films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis., , und . CCE, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2014)Study of the properties of FZO thin films deposited by USP using a milled Zn precursor., , , und . CCE, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2023)Particle size effect on gas sensing properties of ZnO pellets., , und . CCE, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2016)