Author of the publication

A Strongly Typed, Interactive Object-Oriented Database Programming Language.

, , , and . OODBS, page 94-103. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)

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Programming Self-Assembly of DNA Tiles., and . CS&P, volume 1269 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 34-45., (2014)DNA Tiles, Wang Tiles and Combinators., and . CS&P, volume 1032 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 1-14., (2013)Inference, Targeting and Compatibility in a Type System for Java with SAM Typed Closures., and . CS&P, volume 928 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 49-60., (2012)A Strongly Typed, Interactive Object-Oriented Database Programming Language., , , and . OODBS, page 94-103. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)A Modularization Mechanism for Conceptual Modeling., , , and . VLDB, page 232-240. Morgan Kaufmann, (1983)Object-Oriented Galileo., , , and . On Object-Oriented Database System, Springer, (1991)Combinatory Forms for Equational Programming: Instances, Unification and Narrowing., , and . CAAP, volume 431 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 42-56. Springer, (1990)