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Other publications of authors with the same name

Automating Privacy Compliance with ExPDT., , and . CEC/EEE, page 87-94. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Privacy and Identity., , and . The Future of Identity in the Information Society, Springer, (2009)IO-SEA: Storage I/O and Data Management for Exascale Architectures., , , , , , , , , and 39 other author(s). CF (Companion), ACM, (2024)Extended Privacy Definition Tool., and . PRIMIUM, volume P-151 of LNI, page 43-59. GI, (2009)Vulnerability Effect Propagation in Service-Oriented Archtectures., , and . Sicherheit, volume P-128 of LNI, page 473-484. GI, (2008)