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Information-centric communication architecture for vehicular networking.

, , and . ICCVE, page 853-854. IEEE, (2013)

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A New OS Architecture for High Performance Communication over ATM Networks - Zero-copy architecture., , , and . NOSSDAV, volume 1018 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 84-87. Springer, (1995)Information-centric communication architecture for vehicular networking., , and . ICCVE, page 853-854. IEEE, (2013)Anonymous but Traceable IP Address-Based Communication System., , and . NetCoM, page 259-264. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Architectural Design of Unified Multiplex Communications for One-Time Use of IP Addresses., , and . NTMS, page 1-4. IEEE, (2011)Design and implementation of routing protocols for IPv6 global anycast communications., , , and . Int. J. Internet Protoc. Technol., 1 (3): 177-188 (2006)IPv6 anycast for simple and effective service-oriented communications., , , and . IEEE Commun. Mag., 42 (5): 163-171 (2004)New algorithms and techniques for well-synchronized audio and video streams communications.. ICCCN, page 214-221. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Routing Protocols for IPv6 Anycast Communicatio., , , and . AINA, page 833-838. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Making Practical Use of IPv6 Anycasting: Mobile IPv6 Based approach., , , and . SAINT, page 307-315. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Towards early deployable Content-Centric Networking enhanced by using IPv6., , and . IM, page 1191-1194. IEEE, (2013)