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Performance Investigation of Uniaxially Tensile Stressed Ge n-FinFETs Formed on Biaxially Strained GeOI Substrates And Its Impact On Ge CMOS Inverters., , , , , , and . ASICON, page 1-4. IEEE, (2019)Tuple Measure Model Based on CFI-Apriori Algorithm., , and . ICAIS (1), volume 12239 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 49-61. Springer, (2020)The Complexity of Model Checking for Knowledge Update., and . KR, page 82-96. Morgan Kaufmann, (2002)The Dual Drawing Method of the Hyperbolic Paraboloid and the Screen Representation of the Ruling., and . CISST, page 410-415. CSREA Press, (2003)Patterns of Journal Use by Scientists through Three Evolutionary Phases, , , , , and . D-Lib Magazine, (May 2003)Diversity of rationality affects the evolution of cooperation, , , , and . Phys. Rev. E, 79 (5): 055101(R) (2009)Study on the Training Mode of Innovative Postgraduate Students Based on Web Resources., , and . CSEE (5), volume 218 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 196-201. Springer, (2011)Gaussian Process Machine Learning Model for Forecasting of Karstic Collapse., , and . ICAIC (1), volume 224 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 365-372. Springer, (2011)Developing a novel full-polarimetric GPR technology., , , , , , , and . IGARSS, page 858-861. IEEE, (2011)The Effect of Handoff Dwell Time on the Mobile Network Performance., and . Wireless Personal Communications, 31 (3-4): 221-234 (2004)