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A model of novel compound production, и . Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, (2004)The roles of knowledge and syntax in novel nominal compound creation, и . Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Sicience Society, (2003)Efficient creativity: Constraints on conceptual combination, и . Cognitive Science, 24 (2): 299--349 (2000)Mobile web surfing is the same as web surfing, , и . Communications of the ACM, 49 (3): 76--81 (2006)Identifying Metaphor Hierarchies in a Corpus Analysis of Finance Articles, и . CoRR, (2012)Identifying Metaphoric Antonyms in a Corpus Analysis of Finance Articles, и . CoRR, (2012)Mining the Web for the Voice of the Herd to Track Stock Market Bubbles, и . CoRR, (2012)Preliminary Analysis for Design., и . BCS HCI, стр. 133-146. Cambridge University Press, (1987)Modeling and Predicting News Consumption on Twitter., и . UMAP, стр. 321-329. ACM, (2018)Temporal Rules for Predicting User Navigation in the Mobile Web., , и . AH, том 4018 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 111-120. Springer, (2006)