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Recovery Limitations of Meg Source Localization Model for Epilepsy., , и . ISBI, стр. 1088-1091. IEEE, (2007)MRI Upsampling Using Feature-Based Nonlocal Means Approach.. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 33 (10): 1969-1985 (2014)Rotation and noise invariant near-infrared face recognition by means of Zernike moments and spectral regression discriminant analysis., , , , , и . J. Electronic Imaging, 22 (1): 013030 (2013)Confident Surgical Decision Making in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy by Heterogeneous Classifier Ensembles., , , , и . ICDM Workshops, стр. 1003-1009. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Tree-structured grading of pathological images of prostate., , , и . Image Processing, том 5747 из SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2005)Clustering method for estimating principal diffusion directions., , , , и . NeuroImage, 57 (3): 825-838 (2011)Development of a variational Bayesian expectation maximization (VBEM) method for model inversion of multi-area E/MEG model., , и . ISBI, стр. 964-968. IEEE, (2011)Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy lateralization using SPHARM-based features of hippocampus and SVM., , и . Image Processing, том 8314 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 83144H. SPIE, (2012)Low-Rank Matrix Factorization and Co-clustering Algorithms for Analyzing Large Data Sets., , , и . ICDEM, том 6411 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 272-279. Springer, (2010)Multiwavelet grading of pathological images of prostate., и . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 50 (6): 697-704 (2003)