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Optimization of robot path planning parameters based on genetic algorithm., , , , and . RCAR, page 529-534. IEEE, (2017)RoboFlow: a Data-centric Workflow Management System for Developing AI-enhanced Robots., , , and . CoRL, volume 164 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 1789-1794. PMLR, (2021)TEMPO-RI: A Multi-Task Spatio-Temporal Model for Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification Forecasting., , , , , , and . SmartWorld/UIC/ScalCom/DigitalTwin/PriComp/Meta, page 864-871. IEEE, (2022)Collision-free Navigation of Human-centered Robots via Markov Games., , , and . ICRA, page 11338-11344. IEEE, (2020)Towards Artificial Intelligence-enabled Medical Pre-operative Airway Assessment., , , , , , , and . HealthCom, page 69-74. IEEE, (2022)Learning to Plan in High Dimensions via Neural Exploration-Exploitation Trees., , , , , and . ICLR,, (2020)DOS®: A Deployment Operating System for Robots., , , and . ICRA, page 14086-14092. IEEE, (2024)EMS®: A Massive Computational Experiment Management System towards Data-driven Robotics., , and . ICRA, page 9068-9075. IEEE, (2023)Indoor mapping using gmapping on embedded system., , , , , , and . ROBIO, page 2444-2449. IEEE, (2017)