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Adaptive multimeme algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling problem., , и . Nat. Comput., 16 (4): 677-698 (2017)Forecasting of Vessel Traffic Flow Using BPNN Based on Genetic Algorithm Optimization., , , , и . IWCMC, стр. 1059-1063. IEEE, (2021)Classification of Ship Navigation Behavior in Inland Crossing Channels., , , и . SPAC, стр. 303-307. IEEE, (2021)A Systemic Method of Traffic Flow Velocity Prediction in Narrow Waterways Using AIS Data., , , и . SPAC, стр. 308-312. IEEE, (2021)A Weight-adaptive Algorithm of Multi Feature Fusion based on Kernel Correlation Filtering for Target Tracking., , , и . SPAC, стр. 274-279. IEEE, (2021)Combination of Simulated Annealing Algorithm and Minimum Horizontal Line Algorithm to Solve Two-Dimensional Pallet Loading Problem., , и . WSC, стр. 1956-1966. IEEE, (2022)Path Planning of Unmanned Surface Vessel Based on Improved RRT., , и . IECON, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2023)Application of Fractal Analysis for Customer Classification Based on Path Data., , , и . ICDM (Workshops), стр. 262-267. IEEE, (2021)Application of Network Analysis Techniques for Customer In-store Behavior in Supermarket., , , и . SMC, стр. 1861-1866. IEEE, (2018)Application of Broad Learning System for Container Number Identification., , , , , и . SPAC, стр. 332-336. IEEE, (2018)