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Proyectos EDI y normalización documental, и . Revista española de documentación cient\'ıfica, 14 (4): 408--419 (1991)Microordenadores y gestión documental, и . Segundas Jornadas de Documentación Automatizada: 20-21-22 de noviembre de 1986, стр. 411--424. Consejer\'ıa de Cultura, (1986)The new Excellence Indicator in the World Report of the SCImago Institutions Rankings 2011., , и . J. Informetrics, 6 (2): 333-335 (2012)Statistical relationships between corresponding authorship, international co-authorship and citation impact of national research systems., , , и . CoRR, (2020)Excellence networks in science: A web-based application ( for the identification of institutions collaborating successfully., , , и . CoRR, (2015)International collaboration in Medical Research in Latin America and the Caribbean (2003-2007)., , , и . J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 63 (11): 2223-2238 (2012)Comparative analysis of webometric measurements in thematic environments., , , и . J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 56 (8): 779-785 (2005)Showing the essential science structure of a scientific domain and its evolution., , , и . Inf. Vis., 9 (4): 288-300 (2010)Analysis and visualization of the dynamics of research groups in terms of projects and co-authored publications. A case study of library and information science in Argentina., , , и . Inf. Res., (2012)"Sitation" distributions and Bradford's law in a closed Web space., , и . J. Documentation, 59 (5): 558-580 (2003)