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Measurement of Energies Controlling Ripening and Annealing on Metal Surfaces, , , , и . Phys.~Rev.~Lett., 80 (3): 556--559 (января 1998)Nucleation and morphology of homoepitaxial Pt(111)-films grown with ion beam assisted deposition, , , , и . Surface Science, 365 (2): 187 - 204 (1996)Onset of Interstitial Diffusion Determined by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, , и . Phys. Rev. Lett., 79 (7): 1305--1308 (августа 1997)He-Scattering Investigation of CO Migration on Pt(111), , и . Phys. Rev. Lett., (1982)Atomic Processes in Low Temperature Pt-Dendrite Growth on Pt(111), , , , , и . Phys. Rev. Lett., 76 (13): 2366--2369 (марта 1996)Temperature dependency of the initial sticking probability of H2 and CO on Pt(111), , и . Surf. Sci., (1985)Effect of energetic particles on island formation in sputter deposition of Pt on Pt(111), , , , и . Applied Physics Letters, 70 (2): 182-184 (1997)Collective effects in the adatom production by 4.5 keV rare-gas impacts on Pt(111): A low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy analysis, , и . Philosophical Magazine A, 79 (4): 775-794 (1999)The Ice Bilayer on Pt(111): Nucleation, Structure and Melting, , , и . (2011)New Approach for Determination of Diffusion Parameters of Adatoms, , , , и . Phys. Rev. Lett., 76 (8): 1304--1307 (февраля 1996)