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Data Analytics for Predicting Dropout., , и . TEEM, стр. 600-606. ACM, (2021)Engaging MOOC through gamification: Systematic mapping review., , и . TEEM, стр. 600-606. ACM, (2019)Connecting the Research Culture of Teachers to the Development of Undergraduate Student Competencies., и . TEEM, стр. 985-990. ACM, (2020)Academic success in universities: a comparative study in Centers of America., , , и . TEEM, стр. 1004-1007. ACM, (2020)Teaching and assessment strategies in a Practice-based teacher education program. Instrument validation., и . TEEM, стр. 862-869. ACM, (2020)Usability evaluation focused on user experience of repositories related to energy sustainability: A Literature Mapping., , , и . TEEM, стр. 35:1-35:11. ACM, (2017)Active learning and education 4.0 for complex thinking training: analysis of two case studies in open education., , и . Smart Learn. Environ., 10 (1): 8 (декабря 2023)Education 4.0 Reference Framework for the Design of Teaching-Learning Systems: Two Case Studies Involving Collaborative Networks and Open Innovation., , и . PRO-VE, том 629 из IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, стр. 692-701. Springer, (2021)Diagnostic Instrument of the Level of Competencies in Cloud Computing for Teachers in Education 4.0., , , и . PRO-VE, том 629 из IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, стр. 665-673. Springer, (2021)Mediation Models for Online Learning and Perspectives for Open Innovation: Systematic Review of the Literature., и . Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn., 18 (18): 102-120 (сентября 2023)