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Nonlinear dynamics in orthogonal turning process, , и . Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals, 12 (12): 2343--2352 (сентября 2001)Dynamics of children with torsional anomalies of the lower limb joints, и . Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals, 12 (13): 2411--2419 (октября 2001)Force Analysis for the Impact Between a Rod and Granular Material., , , и . RAAD, том 49 из Mechanisms and Machine Science, стр. 85-94. Springer, (2017)Gibbs-Appell Equations of Motion for a Three Link Robot with MATLAB., и . RAAD, том 371 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 317-325. Springer, (2015)Rigid Body Collisions of Planar Kinematic Chains With Multiple Contact Points., и . Int. J. Robotics Res., 13 (1): 82-92 (1994)Mechanical Engineer's Handbook, и . Engineering Academic Press, (2001)