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Fuzzy Ontology-based System for Personalized Information Retrieval., , и . KDIR, стр. 286-293. SciTePress, (2014)Fuzzy ontologies for search results diversification: application to medical data., и . SAC, стр. 1968-1975. ACM, (2018)Un système hybride de recherche d'information intégrant le raisonnement à partir de cas et la composition d'ontologies., , и . EGC, том RNTI-E-24 из Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, стр. 269-274. Hermann-Éditions, (2013)Semantic-Based Collaborative Decisional System Integrating Fuzzy Reasoning in an IoT Context., , и . ISD, ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée / Association for Information Systems, (2019)Fuzzy ontology-based Medical Information Retrieval., и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 178-185. IEEE, (2016)An Ontology-based Approach for Personalized Itinerary Search., и . ISD, ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée / Association for Information Systems, (2019)An Ontology-Driven Visual Question-Answering Framework., , и . IV, стр. 127-132. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)SWRL reasoning on ontology-based clinical dengue knowledge base., , , и . Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies, 14 (1): 39-53 (2020)Ontology-Based Question Analysis Method., , и . FQAS, том 8132 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 100-111. Springer, (2013)