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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Development of non-contact carrier system using solar magnetic suspension (3ed report: Continuous 5-day and installation of sloping propulsion mechanism)., , , , und . ASCC, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2015)Improvement of vibration isolation characteristics by Kalman-filter estimated acceleration feedback., , , und . ECC, Seite 1106-1111. IEEE, (2015)Force Compensation Based on Observer for Assembly of Magnetized Components., , , , und . ASCC, Seite 538-542. IEEE, (2019)Vibration Isolation System with Kalman Filter Estimated Acceleration Feedback: An Approach of Negative Stiffness Control., , , , und . J. Sensors, (2021)Realization of acceleration feedback by using an active dynamic vibration absorber as a sensor in a low-frequency region., , , und . ECC, Seite 1681-1685. IEEE, (2015)Development of a three-axis active vibration isolation system using zero-power magnetic suspension., , , und . CDC, Seite 4493-4498. IEEE, (2003)Realization of Vibration Absorption at Multiple Frequencies on Vacuum Chamber with Cryopump., , , , , und . ASCC, Seite 699-703. IEEE, (2019)A 3-DOF modular vibration isolation system using zero-power magnetic suspension with adjustable negative stiffness., , , und . AMC, Seite 661-666. IEEE, (2010)Stiffness control of magnetic suspension by local current feedback., , und . ECC, Seite 3881-3886. IEEE, (2009)Intermediate Control for Stable Trajectory in a Relay-Feedback Mass Measurement System., , , , und . ASCC, Seite 685-689. IEEE, (2019)