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Focused Crawling using Context Graphs, , , , и . Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), стр. 527--534. Cairo, Egypt, (сентября 2000)A Comparison of On-Line Computer Science Citation Databases, , , , и . (марта 2007)How Embedded Memory in Recurrent Neural Network Architectures Helps Learning Long-Term Temporal Dependencies, , и . Neural Networks, 11 (5): 861--868 (1998)Constructive Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks, , , , , и . Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems III, Cambridge, MAMIT Press, (1993)What's there and what's not?: focused crawling for missing documents in digital libraries., , и . JCDL, стр. 301-310. ACM, (2005)Can recurrent neural networks learn natural language grammars?, , и . ICNN, стр. 1853-1858. IEEE, (1996)Constructive learning of recurrent neural networks., , , , , и . ICNN, стр. 1196-1201. IEEE, (1993)Collaboration over time: characterizing and modeling network evolution., , , и . WSDM, стр. 107-116. ACM, (2008)Online Person Name Disambiguation with Constraints., , и . JCDL, стр. 37-46. ACM, (2015)Disambiguating authors in academic publications using random forests., и . JCDL, стр. 39-48. ACM, (2009)