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Measures of Searcher Performance: A Psychometric Evaluation., , и . Inf. Process. Manag., 29 (5): 533-550 (1993)Untangling search task complexity and difficulty in the context of interactive information retrieval studies., , и . J. Documentation, 70 (6): 1118-1140 (2014)The Influence of Context and Interactivity on Video Browsing., , , , и . TRECVID, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (2005)What difference does a theoretical lens make in conducting a study of human information interactions? Panel presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the association for information science & technology (ASIS&T)., , , , и . ASIST, том 50 из Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., стр. 1-5. Wiley, (2013)Assigning search tasks designed to elicit exploratory search behaviors., и . HCIR, стр. 4. ACM, (2012)Collection of Information Directly from Patients through an Adaptive Human-computer Interface., , , , и . AMIA, AMIA, (2002)The library of the future: Interweaving the virtual and the physical. Sponsored by SIG USE, SIG DL, SIG ED., , , , и . ASIST, том 39 из Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., стр. 492. Wiley, (2002)Capturing the complexity of information interactions: Measurement and evaluation issues., , , и . ASIST, том 48 из Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., стр. 1-3. Wiley, (2011)A longitudinal study of database-assisted problem solving., , , и . Inf. Process. Manag., 36 (3): 445-459 (2000)Examining the impact of domain and cognitive complexity on query formulation and reformulation., , , , и . Inf. Process. Manag., 54 (3): 433-450 (2018)