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Special issue on 2021 augmented environments for computer-assisted interventions (AE-CAI): guest editors' foreword., , , , , , , и . Comput. methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. Imaging Vis., 10 (3): 241-242 (2022)Boundary Constraint-free Biomechanical Model-Based Surface Matching for Intraoperative Liver Deformation Correction., , , и . CoRR, (2024)Anatomic Surface Reconstruction from Sampled Point Cloud Data and Prior Models., , , , , , , и . MMVR, том 196 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 387-393. IOS Press, (2014)Surface Reconstruction from Tracked Endoscopic Video Using the Structure from Motion Approach., , , , и . AE-CAI, том 8090 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 127-135. Springer, (2013)U-NetPlus: A Modified Encoder-Decoder U-Net Architecture for Semantic and Instance Segmentation of Surgical Instruments from Laparoscopic Images., и . EMBC, стр. 7205-7211. IEEE, (2019)Towards Subject-Specific Models of the Dynamic Heart for Image-Guided Mitral Valve Surgery., , , , , и . MICCAI (2), том 4792 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 94-101. Springer, (2007)Active Label Refinement for Robust Training of Imbalanced Medical Image Classification Tasks in the Presence of High Label Noise., , , и . MICCAI (11), том 15011 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 37-47. Springer, (2024)Investigating the impact of class-dependent label noise in medical image classification., , , и . Image Processing, том 12464 из SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2023)Assessing the Performance of the DINOv2 Self-supervised Learning Vision Transformer Model for the Segmentation of the Left Atrium from MRI Images., , , и . CoRR, (2024)Modeling of Radiofrequency Ablation Lesions for Image-Guided Arrhythmia Therapy: A Preliminary ex vivo Demonstration., , , , и . AE-CAI, том 7815 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 22-33. Springer, (2012)