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Other publications of authors with the same name

Improved Approximation Algorithms for Cycle and Path Packings., and . WALCOM, volume 14549 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 179-193. Springer, (2024)A Fast Algorithm to Compute Maximum k-Plexes in Social Network Analysis., , , and . AAAI, page 919-925. AAAI Press, (2017)Facility Location Games with Entrance Fees., , , and . AAAI, page 5797-5804. AAAI Press, (2023)An Improved Upper Bound for SAT., , and . AAAI, page 3707-3714. AAAI Press, (2021)A Fast Exact Solver with Theoretical Analysis for the Maximum Edge-Weighted Clique Problem., , and . AAAI, page 20768-20776. AAAI Press, (2024)Two new algorithms for solving Müller games and their applications., , and . CoRR, (2023)An Exact Algorithm for TSP in Degree-3 Graphs via Circuit Procedure and Amortization on Connectivity Structure, and . CoRR, (2012)Parameterized algorithms and complexity for the traveling purchaser problem and its variants., , and . J. Comb. Optim., 44 (4): 2269-2285 (2022)Improved Approximation Algorithms for Multidepot Capacitated Vehicle Routing., and . COCOON (2), volume 14423 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 378-391. Springer, (2023)An Improved Kernel and Parameterized Algorithm for Almost Induced Matching., and . TAMC, volume 14637 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 86-98. Springer, (2024)