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World trade and payments, , и . The Addison Wesley series in economics Addison-Wesley Publ., Reading, Mass. u.a., 8. ed издание, (1999)World trade and payments, , и . The Addison-Wesley series in economics Pearson/Addison-Wesley, Boston, Mass. u.a., 10. ed., internat. ed. издание, (2007)Globalization and the theory of input trade. The Ohlin lectures MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. u.a., (2000)World trade and payments, и . Little, Brown and Co., Boston, Mass. u.a., 2. ed издание, (1977)World trade and payments, и . Little, Brown and Co., Boston, Mass. u.a., 3. ed издание, (1981)World trade and payments, , и . The Harper-Collins series in economics Harper-Collins, New York, NY, 6. ed издание, (1993)International trade. Studies in international economics North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam; New York u.a., (1979)World trade and payments, и . Little, Brown series in economics Little, Brown and Co., Boston, Mass. u.a., (1973)