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Designing a Space-Oriented System for Ubiquitous Outdoor Kid's Safety Care.

, , , and . AINA, page 915-920. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)

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A Wearable System for Outdoor Running Workout State Recognition and Course Provision., , , , , and . ATC, volume 4610 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 385-394. Springer, (2007)Toward a Container Migration Data-Auditing Mechanism for Edge Computing Environment., , , and . ICCSA (Workshops 3), volume 13379 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 90-102. Springer, (2022)A Machine Learning Framework for Edge Computing to Improve Prediction Accuracy in Mobile Health Monitoring., , and . ICCSA (3), volume 11621 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 417-431. Springer, (2019)A Distributed Ontology Framework: Case Studies in the Semantic Grid Environment., , , and . PDPTA, page 231-237. CSREA Press, (2005)Experiments and Evaluation of a Container Migration Data-Auditing System on Edge Computing Environment., , , and . Comput., 12 (2): 27 (February 2023)A Framework of an Agent-Based Support System for IaaS Service Discovery., , and . ICCSA (6), page 28-32. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Smart Hyperspaces and Project Ubikids., , and . AINA, page 574-579. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Performance evaluation of a scalable media access control protocol for single hop WDM networks., , , , , and . IJHPCN, 3 (5/6): 309-319 (2005)An Indoor Location-Aware Mobile Navigation Service for the Handicapped and the Elderly., , and . MoMM, volume 230 of, page 207-216. Austrian Computer Society, (2007)Design and Implementation of a Data-Auditing Mechanism for Container Migration., , , and . DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech, page 1-4. IEEE, (2022)