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An Investigation into the Use of Net-Conferencing Groupware in Simulation Modelling., , и . J. Comput. Inf. Technol., 13 (2): 95-106 (2005)Virtual worlds: experiencing virtual factories of the future., и . WSC, стр. 513-517. WSC, (2002)Classification analysis for simulation of machine breakdowns., , , и . WSC, стр. 480-487. WSC, (2007)Modelling the behaviour of people at work., , и . ESM, стр. 386-392. SCS Europe, (2000)Simulation in automotive industries: using empirical evidence of variations in worker performance to extend the capabilities of discrete event simulations in manufacturing., , , и . WSC, стр. 1210-1216. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Simulation modeling of tool delivery system in a machining line., и . WSC, стр. 2240-2249. IEEE, (2011)Ford's Power Train Operations: Changing the simulation Environment 2., и . WSC, стр. 3308-3318. IEEE, (2018)Distributed simulation and manufacturing: time management issues in cots distributed simulation: a case study., , и . WSC, стр. 838-846. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Ford's power train operations: changing the simulation environment., и . WSC, стр. 863-869. WSC, (2001)Assembly Line Design Principles using Six Sigma and Simulation., , , и . WSC, стр. 3066-3076. IEEE, (2009)