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Test Data Generation for Database Applications., , , , and . ICDE, page 1621-1624. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)The Sequence of the Human Genome, , , , , , , , , and 264 other author(s). Science, 291 (5507): 1304-1351 (2001)Energy and resource efficient workflow scheduling in a virtualized cloud environment., , and . Clust. Comput., 24 (2): 767-797 (2021)Automatic Identification of Vehicles in Traffic using Smart Cameras., , , , , and . IC3I, page 1009-1014. IEEE, (2022)The intestinal metabolome: an intersection between microbiota and host., , , , , , , , and . Gastroenterology, 146 (6): 1470--1476 (May 11, 2014)Security in IoMT-driven smart healthcare: A comprehensive review and open challenges., , , , and . Secur. Priv., (2022)On the design of an AI-driven secure communication scheme for internet of medical things environment., , , , , and . Digit. Commun. Networks, 9 (5): 1080-1089 (October 2023)Alzheimer's disease detection through wavelet-based shifted elliptical local binary pattern., , and . Biomed. Signal Process. Control., (2025)The sequence of the human genome, , , , , , , , , and 264 other author(s). Science, 291 (5507): 1304--1351 (2001)SPCS-IoTEH: Secure Privacy-Preserving Communication Scheme for IoT-Enabled e-Health Applications., , , , and . ICC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)