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Evaluation of Deep-Learning-Based Voice Activity Detectors and Room Impulse Response Models in Reverberant Environments., , и . CoRR, (2021)Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation with Deep Learning., , и . Interspeech, стр. 4773-4777. ISCA, (2021)Deep Adaptation Control for Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation., , и . WASPAA, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2023)Speakers' direction finding using estimated time delays in the frequency domain., , и . Signal Process., 82 (1): 19-30 (2002)Constant-Beamwidth Beamforming with Concentric Ring Arrays., , и . Sensors, 21 (21): 7253 (2021)Deep Residual Echo Suppression With A Tunable Tradeoff Between Signal Distortion And Echo Suppression., , и . ICASSP, стр. 126-130. IEEE, (2021)Objective Metrics to Evaluate Residual-Echo Suppression During Double-Talk in the Stereophonic Case., , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 5348-5352. ISCA, (2022)Two-channel signal detection and speech enhancement based on the transient beam-to-reference ratio., и . ICASSP (5), стр. 233-236. IEEE, (2003)Window Beamformer for Sparse Concentric Circular Array., , и . ICASSP, стр. 4500-4504. IEEE, (2021)Speech enhancement for non-stationary noise environments, и . Signal Processing, 81 (11): 2403--2418 (ноября 2001)