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Code of Ethics, , , , , , , , , и 3 other автор(ы). (16.10.1992)Enterprise enhanced education: an information technology enabled extension of traditional learning environments., , и . SIGCSE, стр. 355-359. ACM, (1997)Status of information systems accreditation., , и . SIGCSE, стр. 421-422. ACM, (2001)Proposed information systems accreditation criteria (panel session)., , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 409-410. ACM, (2000)A common core of concepts for informatics majors., и . Informatics in Higher Education, том 128 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 17-20. Chapman & Hall, (1997)Meeting the needs of industry: a bold new curriculum in informatic science., и . Informatics in Higher Education, том 128 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 83-96. Chapman & Hall, (1997)A top-down, collaborative teaching approach of introductory courses in computer sciences (poster)., и . ITiCSE, стр. 291. ACM, (1998)Collaborative learning in undergraduate information science education (abstract)., , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 400-401. ACM, (1995)Information technology accreditation activities., , и . SIGCSE, стр. 49-50. ACM, (2004)Information centric curriculum (ISC'98) (panel)., и . SIGCSE, стр. 380. ACM, (1998)