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Improving the usability of Kenzo, a Common Lisp system for Algebraic Topology.

, , , and . ELS, page 155-176. ELSAA, (2008)

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Evasiveness Through Binary Decision Diagrams., , and . CICM, volume 14101 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 37-52. Springer, (2023)Proving with ACL2 the Correctness of Simplicial Sets in the Kenzo System., , and . LOPSTR, volume 6564 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 37-51. Springer, (2010)Obtaining an ACL2 Specification from an Isabelle/HOL Theory., , , , , , and . AISC, volume 8884 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 49-63. Springer, (2014)ACL2 Verification of Simplicial Degeneracy Programs in the Kenzo System., , and . Calculemus/MKM, volume 5625 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 106-121. Springer, (2009)Specifying Implementations., , and . ISSAC, page 245-251. ACM, (1999)Certified symbolic manipulation: bivariate simplicial polynomials., , , and . ISSAC, page 243-250. ACM, (2013)Generative Communication with Semantic Matching in Distributed Heterogeneous Environments., , , , and . EUROCAST, volume 2809 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 231-242. Springer, (2003)Verifying a Plaftorm for Digital Imaging: A Multi-tool Strategy., , , , and . MKM/Calculemus/DML, volume 7961 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 66-81. Springer, (2013)Zigzag persistent homology for processing neuronal images., , , and . Pattern Recognit. Lett., (2015)Formal Modelling of a Coordination System: From Practice to Theory, and Back Again., , , and . ESAW, volume 4457 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 229-244. Springer, (2006)