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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Handheld Face Identification Technology in a Pervasive Computing Environment, , , , , und . Proceedings of the First International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Short paper), Seite 48--54. Zurich, (August 2002)In an informal companion volume of short papers..Towards robust person recognition on handheld devices using face and speaker identification technologies., , und . ICMI, Seite 289-292. ACM, (2003)General suffix automaton construction algorithm and space bounds., , und . Theor. Comput. Sci., 410 (37): 3553-3562 (2009)Factor Automata of Automata and Applications., , und . CIAA, Volume 4783 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 168-179. Springer, (2007)A new quality measure for topic segmentation of text and speech., , und . INTERSPEECH, Seite 2743-2746. ISCA, (2009)Music Identification with Weighted Finite-State Transducers., und . ICASSP (2), Seite 689-692. IEEE, (2007)Robust Music Identification, Detection, and Analysis., , und . ISMIR, Seite 135-138. Austrian Computer Society, (2007)Syllable-based acoustic modeling with CTC-SMBR-LSTM., , , und . ASRU, Seite 173-177. IEEE, (2017)A Framework for Developing Conversational User Interfaces., , , , , und . CADUI, Seite 347-358. Kluwer, (2004)High quality agreement-based semi-supervised training data for acoustic modeling., , , und . SLT, Seite 592-596. IEEE, (2016)