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Step-based evolution support among networked production automation systems., , , , и . Automatisierungstechnik, 66 (10): 849-858 (2018)Latency-Aware Scheduling for Real-Time Application Support in Edge Computing., , , и . EdgeSys@EuroSys, стр. 13-18. ACM, (2023)Towards Citizen-Centric Marketplaces for Urban Sensed Data.. ESOCC Workshops, том 1360 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 140-150. Springer, (2020)Low-Latency TLS 1.3-Aware Hole Punching., , и . ICC, стр. 1481-1486. IEEE, (2023)Measuring the Edge: A Performance Evaluation of Edge Offloading., , , , и . PerCom Workshops, стр. 212-218. IEEE, (2023)Accessing Smart City Services in Untrustworthy Environments via Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Overlay Networks., , и . SOSE, стр. 144-149. IEEE, (2021)Transaction Dependency Model for Block Minimization in Arbitrary Blockchains., , и . IECC, стр. 59-66. ACM, (2020)SkABNet: A Data Structure for Efficient Discovery of Streaming Data for IoT., , и . ICCCN, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2023)Decentralized Billing and Subcontracting of Application Services for Cloud Environment Providers., , , и . ESOCC Workshops, том 1115 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 91-101. Springer, (2018)SANE: Smart Networks for Urban Citizen Participation., , , , , , , и . ICT, стр. 496-500. IEEE, (2019)