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Multi-view gender classification based on local Gabor binary mapping pattern and support vector machines.

, , and . IJCNN, page 3388-3395. IEEE, (2008)

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Sleep Quality Estimation with Adversarial Domain Adaptation: From Laboratory to Real Scenario., , , , , , and . IJCNN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2018)Semantic Similarity Definition over Gene Ontology by Further Mining of the Information Content., and . APBC, volume 6 of Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, page 155-164. Imperial College Press, (2008)A Novel Experiment Setting for Cross-subject Emotion Recognition., , , , and . EMBC, page 6416-6419. IEEE, (2021)A Robust Approach to Estimating Vigilance from EEG with Neural Processes., and . BIBM, page 1202-1205. IEEE, (2020)Hedge Detection and Scope Finding by Sequence Labeling with Procedural Feature Selection., , , and . CoNLL Shared Task, page 92-99. ACL, (2010)Neural Network Based Bilingual Language Model Growing for Statistical Machine Translation., , , , and . EMNLP, page 189-195. ACL, (2014)Towards a Semantic Annotation of English Television News - Building and Evaluating a Constraint Grammar FrameNet., , and . PACLIC, page 333-342. PACLIC 26 Organizing Committee and PACLIC Steering Committee / ACL / Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, (2012)Extracting Keyphrases from Chinese News Articles Using TextRank and Query Log Knowledge., , , and . PACLIC, page 733-740. City University of Hong Kong Press, (2009)A Min-Max Modular Network with Gaussian-Zero-Crossing Function., and . Trends in Neural Computation, volume 35 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2007)Joint Semi-Supervised Feature Auto-Weighting and Classification Model for EEG-Based Cross-Subject Sleep Quality Evaluation., , , , , and . ICASSP, page 946-950. IEEE, (2020)