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Characterization of IoT Workloads., и . EDGE, том 11520 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-15. Springer, (2019)Autonomic Resource Management Using Analytic Models for Fog/Cloud Computing., и . ICFC, стр. 69-79. IEEE, (2019)Planning the Capacity of a Web Server: an Experience Report., , , и . Int. CMG Conference, стр. 165-172. Computer Measurement Group, (1999)Performance Prediction Of Parallel Applications On Networks Of Workstations., и . Int. CMG Conference, стр. 299-308. Computer Measurement Group, (1996)Virtualization: Concepts, Applications, and Performance Modeling.. Int. CMG Conference, стр. 407-414. Computer Measurement Group, (2005)A Federation-Oriented Capacity Management Methodology For LAN Environments., , и . Int. CMG Conference, стр. 1024-1035. Computer Measurement Group, (1995)Locking and Deadlock Detection in Distributed Databases., и . Berkeley Workshop, стр. 215-232. Technical Information Department, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley CA, (1978)Server-Side Caching Strategies for Online Auction Sites., и . WISE, том 3806 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 231-244. Springer, (2005)In search of invariants for e-business workloads., , , , , и . EC, стр. 56-65. ACM, (2000)Stochastic Optimization Algorithm based on Deterministic Approximations., , и . ICORES, стр. 287-294. SCITEPRESS, (2021)