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Visual characterization of biomedical texts with word entropy

, , , и . Network Tools and Applications in Biology (NETTAB 2010), Biological Wikis, стр. 139-142. Napoli, Italy, (2010)

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Visual characterization of biomedical texts with word entropy, , , и . Network Tools and Applications in Biology (NETTAB 2010), Biological Wikis, стр. 139-142. Napoli, Italy, (2010)Automatic Drug-Drug Interaction Detection: A Machine Learning Approach with Maximal Frequent Sequence Extraction, , , и . (сентября 2011)Drug-Drug Interaction Detection: A New Approach Based on Maximal Frequent Sequences, , и . Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN), 45, стр. 263-266. SEPLN, (2010)Extracción de secuencias maximales de una colección de textos. Bachelor thesis, (декабря 2009)Maximal Frequent Sequences Applied to Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction. DSIC -- Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, M.Sc. Thesis, (февраля 2012)