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Temperature emissivity separation: Estimation with a parameter affecting both the mean and variance of the observation., , , и . SP/SPE, стр. 380-384. IEEE, (2015)A neighborhood model for detection in hyperspectral images., , , и . ACSCC, стр. 1214-1218. IEEE, (2008)Adaptive Regression Trees for Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering., , и . IEEECONF, стр. 376-379. IEEE, (2022)Block circular and hyperbolic transformations for the block fast array RLS algorithm., , и . ACSCC, стр. 511-514. IEEE, (2011)Document Author Classification using Generalized Discriminant Analysis, , и . (2006)A Euclidean direction based algorithm for blind source separation using a natural gradient., , и . ICASSP (5), стр. 561-564. IEEE, (2004)Continuum-state hidden Markov models with dirichlet state distributions., и . ICASSP, стр. 6595-6599. IEEE, (2013)A framework for dictionary learning based hyperspectral pixel classification., , , и . ACSCC, стр. 382-385. IEEE, (2012)Excision of a discontinuous-frequency interference signal with harmonic structure., , , и . ACSSC, стр. 1719-1722. IEEE, (2015)Hierarchical Bayesian approach for jointly-sparse solution of multiple-measurement vectors., , и . ACSSC, стр. 1962-1966. IEEE, (2014)