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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Attribute-Based and Keywords Vector Searchable Public Key Encryption., , , und . SmartCom, Volume 10135 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 317-326. Springer, (2016)A robust spatial autoregressive scalar-on-function regression with t-distribution., , , und . Adv. Data Anal. Classif., 15 (1): 57-81 (2021)Enhancing the SVD compression losslessly., , und . J. Comput. Sci., (Dezember 2023)A Fuzzy Consensus Clustering Based Undersampling Approach for Class Imbalanced Learning., , , , und . ACAI, Seite 133-137. ACM, (2019)Coexistence Downlink Interference Analysis Between LEO System and GEO System in Ka Band., , , , , und . ICCC, Seite 465-469. IEEE, (2018)Graph convolutional network for compositional data., , und . Inf. Fusion, (2025)Aggregating multiple types of complex data in stock market prediction: A model-independent framework., , und . Knowl. Based Syst., (2019)RBind: computational network method to predict RNA binding sites., , , , und . Bioinform., 34 (18): 3131-3136 (2018)Academic failures and co-location social networks in campus., , und . EPJ Data Sci., 11 (1): 10 (2022)A novel trajectory similarity measurement method based on node-sequence hierarchical digraph., , , , und . Trans. GIS, 27 (8): 2320-2342 (Dezember 2023)