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RStar: an RDF storage and query system for enterprise resource management., , , , и . CIKM, стр. 484-491. ACM, (2004)Drug Abuse Detection via Broad Learning., , , , , и . WISA, том 11817 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 499-505. Springer, (2019)Saliency based objective quality assessment of decoded video affected by packet losses., , , и . ICIP, стр. 2560-2563. IEEE, (2008)Efficient frame complexity estimation and application to G.1070 vide quality monitoring., , , , , , и . QoMEX, стр. 96-101. IEEE, (2011)Design of respiratory training robot in rehabilitation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease., , , , , и . AIM, стр. 866-870. IEEE, (2015)Development of a novel elastic load-carrying device: Design, modeling and analysis., , , , и . AIM, стр. 1454-1460. IEEE, (2016)Controlled synchronization of complex dynamical networks with nonlinear nodes and couplings., , и . CCA/ISIC, стр. 240-245. IEEE, (2009)Development of Wearable Sensor Combinations for Human Lower Extremity Motion Analysis., , , и . ICRA, стр. 1655-1660. IEEE, (2006)The overview of TD-HSUPA technology and network., и . FSKD, стр. 2258-2260. IEEE, (2012)Optimizing Packet Accesses for a Domain Specific Language on Network Processors., , , , и . LCPC, том 4339 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 47-61. Springer, (2005)