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Probabilistic estimation of link travel times in dynamic road networks., , , и . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, стр. 47:1-47:10. ACM, (2015)ToSS-it: A Cloud-Based Throwaway Spatial Index Structure for Dynamic Location Data., , и . MDM (1), стр. 249-258. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Context-Aware Online Spatiotemporal Traffic Prediction., , , , и . ICDM Workshops, стр. 43-46. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)TransDec: A spatiotemporal query processing framework for transportation systems., , и . ICDE, стр. 1197-1200. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Forecasting Spatiotemporal Impact of Traffic Incidents on Road Networks., , , и . ICDM, стр. 587-596. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)A case for time-dependent shortest path computation in spatial networks., , и . GIS, стр. 474-477. ACM, (2010)Spatiotemporal summarization of traffic data streams., , , и . GIS-IWGS, стр. 4-10. ACM, (2010)Towards modeling the traffic data on road networks., , , и . GIS-IWCTS, стр. 13-18. ACM, (2009)Cost-efficient partitioning of spatial data on cloud., , , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 501-506. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Online Computation of Fastest Path in Time-Dependent Spatial Networks., , , и . SSTD, том 6849 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 92-111. Springer, (2011)